Team Pricing
Attorney Team……………………….$500
Student Team………………………..$300
*limit 4 per person
Sponsorship Pricing
Platinum Sponsor (Exclusive)…………………………..$3,000 FILLED
Gold Sponsor……………………………………………………….$2,000
Silver Sponsor…………………………………………………….$1,500
Bronze Sponsor…………………………………………………..$1,000
Golf Cart Sponsor (2)………………………………………….$1,000
Lunch Sponsor (2)……………………………………………..$2,000
Benefactor Sponsor (4)………………………………………….. $500
Contest Sponsor (4)…………………………………………………$500
Putting Green Sponsor (2)………………………………………$200
Driving Range Sponsor (2)……………………………………..$200
Hole Sponsor (2 Firms per hole)…………………………….$500
Sponsorship Packages
Platinum Sponsor (FILLED):
- Full-page color ad in tournament program
- Name/logo on website and promotional materials
- Press releases to local newspapers
- Signage at check-in table
- Two foursomes of golf
Silver Sponsor:
- Half-page ad in tournament program
- Name/logo post on social medial
- Tournament announcement
- One foursome of golf
Beverage Cart Sponsor (4):
- Name/logo on website and promotional materials
- Signage on beverage cart
Hole Sponsor (2 Sponsors per Hole):
- Signage at the hole
Lunch Sponsor (2):
Putting Green Sponsor (2):
Putting Green Sponsor (2):
Gold Sponsor:
- Full-page color ad in tournament program
- Name/logo post on social media
- Display banner
- Additional Course Signage
- Two foursomes of golf
Bronze Sponsor:
- Quarter-page ad in tournament program
- Tournament announcement
Golf Cart Sponsor (2):
- Full-page color ad in tournament program
- Name/logo on website and promotional materials
- Name/logo on signage of all golf carts
- One foursome of golf
Contest Sponsor (4):
- Full-page color ad in tournament program
- Name/logo on social media and promotional materials
- Signage at all contest holes and locations
Driving Range Sponsor (2):