student organizations

Need funding?

The Student Bar Association can fund your event! Start by scheduling your event on the LSU Law Calendar and Submit A Funding Request to the SBA. Thoroughly plan your event and email a proposal as necessary. Your request will be considered at our weekly meeting, with approval pending a majority vote from voting officers. 

All funding requests must be submitted by Saturday at 5pm three weeks (21 days) prior to your event. Requests failing to meet the deadline will be denied. Don’t Forget to check out the Approved Vendor List for all catering options.

Front Table Reservations

To reserve one of the front two tables please use the Table Reservation Google Form by click here. Your request must be made the week prior to your event by Saturday at 5pm, as it will then be reviewed for conflicts at the SBA Monday Night meeting. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact our Executive VP at

more information coming soon